Blog Layout

May 25, 2023

Chasing The Wind

Written by 

Jeff Huston

I’m mad at myself! I let myself get sucked into the endless news cycle again. I’ve never considered myself a news junky, but there have been times when I’ve been more “connected” than others. A few years ago, I made the decision to cancel all my news subscriptions except one. Since then, I have only been reading the Wall Street Journal. No nightly news, no magazines or other newspapers, no talk shows, no social media. I did that, because all the other news sources caused me to do what King Solomon referred to as “chasing of the wind” in the book of Ecclesiastes. It consumed my thinking and wasted way too much of my time. 

“Generations come and generations go, but the earth never changes. The sun rises and the sun sets, then hurries around to rise again. The wind blows south, and then turns north. Around and around it goes, blowing in circles. Rivers run into the sea, but the sea is never full. Then the water returns again to the rivers and flows out again to the sea. Everything is wearisome beyond description. No matter how much we see, we are never satisfied. No matter how much we hear, we are not content.”
Ecclesiastes 1:4-8 NLT

Reread that last verse, the one in bold print. Isn’t that an amazing summary of the 24-hour news cycle? No matter how much we hear, we are not content! For the past several years, I’ve been true to my self-imposed limits and guardrails in this area. However, a couple months ago, I cracked the door open. I’d go on YouTube periodically to catch up on the latest happenings in the news cycle. As I did that, I got caught in their spiderweb. They kept me clicking for more and more content…wasting more and more of my time. Thankfully, I recognized the error of my ways and quickly put a hard stop to it. It can be such a trap for me! Maybe it is for you too?

In the book titled “Your Attention Your Property,” the author addresses “thinking about your thinking.” He says that we can step back and not only see what our attention is focused on, but we can experience how we are fully conscious and present with the particular experience we are having. We can do this at any given time, we just need to make a habit of actually doing it. We must learn to focus our attention, so that we can gain the ability to think about things.

For me, the endless news cycle causes an emotional reaction to physical things, to other people, and to other people’s thoughts. When I’m in “the cycle,” I’m not thinking clearly about my own thoughts. I’m 100% focused on someone else’s thinking. When that happens, I end up thinking negatively. However, when I take back control of my thinking, I’m able to align my ways with God’s ways. My thoughts become aligned with God’s thoughts. It’s a beautiful thing.

Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart because it determines the direction of your life.”

So, how do we guard our hearts? There are multiple ways I guard my heart, but one of them comes down to always making my contribution bigger than my reward. I want to spend my life being a value creator, not a value extractor. It’s why I love capitalism.

The way I see it, there are two kinds of people in the world. Those that embrace, promote, and believe in Capitalism and those that hate it! For me, Capitalism has been the growth process that has multiplied my uniqueness as a businessperson and as a God follower. The people that want to lead us toward socialism don’t know what they are talking about! Capitalism is about Value Creation. Socialism is about Value Extraction. In 1800, the French economist Jean-Baptiste Say coined the word “entrepreneur.” He said, “The entrepreneur shifts economic resources out of an area of lower and into an area of higher productivity and greater yield.”

I love that. It perfectly summarizes our value proposition at 3D Money. Since 2010, we have been doing just that. Looking for opportunities to shift resources (people and assets) from a lower level of productivity to a higher and greater yield. 

Our investment focus on opportunities creating housing, jobs, and food, positions us for an ever-expanding future of value creation for our investors, our team members, and our customers. 

Once again, we want to thank you for your continued trust and confidence.


Jeff Huston and the 3D Money Team


P.S. About a year ago, we offered you a PDF copy of the book “Your Attention Your Property.” If you didn’t get one but would like a copy, please send a request to

We are happy to email you one (as a thank you gift from us). 

By Jeff Huston 11 Jan, 2024
If you’ve been listening to me and reading my letters, you know that I highly value personal Freedom. Increasing freedom in my life and the lives of those around me is a driving force in why I continue to do what I do. I view freedom in four core areas. Freedom of time, money, relationship, and purpose. This month I’d like to talk about freedom of money. This can be a difficult topic to discuss because we all have different experiences and paradigms about how to manage, grow, invest, and protect money. The Bible has a lot to say about money. It’s the most frequently discussed topic in both the Old and New Testament. Psalm 62:10 says, “though your riches increase, do not set your heart on them.” The danger is not necessarily in “having material things” but rather in “setting our heart on them.” We’re warned in 1 John 5:21, “Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.” I never really saw how that verse applied to me. I mean, I don’t have graven images or carvings of physical idols laying around! I don’t have anything like that to worship or admire. However, when I read the verse in the New Living Translation (NLT), it comes alive to me in a fresh way. NLT says, “Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.” This translation helps me realize that idols in my life can be more than just graven images. An idol is anything that takes God’s place in my heart. Thinking about it that way… I probably have the potential for many idols in my life. The danger with money is it can easily take too high of a place in our hearts. One thing that’s helped me to guard against this is to think more wholistically about my assets. Several years ago, I was introduced to an idea by a friend of mine who was coaching me on some money matters. As I discussed my assets with him, my list included investments, money in bank accounts, real estate, business equity, etc. Those were the things I consider to be my assets. He agreed that yes, those were indeed, all assets, but he suggested that I had other assets I hadn’t thought about or taken the time to recognize the value of. He taught me to think of my assets in four different categories…or quadrants. The first quadrant is Core Assets. Core Assets include our relationships, health, values, integrity, worldview, faith, belief system, etc. These are all at the core of who we are, and are in fact, assets (if we are willing to recognize them as such). The second quadrant is Educational and Experiential Assets . Formal education is an asset. You also have life experiences…both good and bad. Personally, I’ve learned more from my failures than I have from my successes. I love the quote from Hellen Keller, “A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn.” The “turns” we’ve learned to make in life are all a part of our experiential assets. We should strive to be life-long learners. Living wisely is the goal! Our life education and our life experiences help us to live skillfully, and those learned skills are valuable assets too. The third quadrant is Charitable and Community Assets . These are things that we give time and money to that are outside of us, they have purpose that extends beyond our individual lives. Things we participate in or volunteer our time for. How we live out our faith, etc. The writer of the Book of James admonishes us to act on what we believe. These actions and beliefs are very personal in nature. Therefore, they are extremely valuable assets. Finally, we have the Financial Assets quadrant. This quadrant includes the things most of us consider assets. So, if you wrote down a list of all the things that you value in each of these quadrants, wouldn’t that represent a more complete picture of your net worth vs just financial assets minus liabilities? Your wholistic net worth is the sum total of all 4 quadrants. There is one final part to this exercise…Let’s say that I waved a magic wand and everything you listed in these 4 quadrants disappeared. In other words, you are bankrupt. You don’t have your health, you’ve lost all your relationships, you don’t have your faith, your education, the experiences you’ve learned from, no money, ALL IS GONE! You are broke in totality. Now, let’s say out of the goodness of my heart, I wave the wand and let you pick only one of the four quadrants to get back. Which would you choose to get back first? If you’re like most people, you’re going to choose your Core Assets (relationships, health, values, integrity, worldview, faith, belief system, etc.) Let’s go one step further. I’m going to wave the wand again and give you one additional quadrant back…but only one! What’s the second one you’d choose? From experience, when doing this with other people, most choose their Educational and Experiential Assets. It’s interesting that we intuitively know that if we have our Core, and Educational/Experiential Assets, most of us could rebuild our Financial and Charitable/Community Assets. I started this letter talking about freedom as it relates to money. If we view our assets as just piling up more money, we’re probably missing out on the abundant life Jesus talks about. Sincerely, Jeff Huston and the 3D Money Team 320-905-3306 P.S. One final thought. Forget ESG investing! It’s a foolish idea! Most of you know how I feel about the subject. Contrarily, 3D Money is committed to Kii investing (“Kingdom Impact Investing.) In other words, we consistently look for ways to have Kingdom Impact through the real estate investments we purchase and the profits we make. If you’re fed up with the rigged game of Wall Street and the unstable US banking system, we have several cash flowing real estate opportunities we are raising money for. We’d love to tell you more!
By Jeff Huston 15 Dec, 2023
There’s a line in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet that says, “Know thine self and to thine own self be true.” One of the benefits of age and maturity is we tend to gain a deeper understanding of who God created us to be as individuals and how we can be most useful to His purposes. I’ve always worked to focus on the abilities I’m strong at, vs feeling guilty about the many things I don’t do as well as someone else does. A few months ago, I hired a coach to help me understand my Unique Ability more deeply. I’ve always been a pretty laser-focused person, but I wanted to take my understanding of my unique giftedness to new levels. So far, I’ve had five 2-hour sessions and I have learned a ton about myself. This coaching journey has come at an interesting time of year. This December, I’m reading the Gospel of Luke. There are 24 chapters. So, reading one chapter per day starting on the 1 st brings me through the entire Gospel account by Christmas Eve. I’m always amazed at the intentionality of Jesus. From the time He was a young boy getting left behind at the temple, because He was so engrossed in the teaching environment that He didn’t even know His parents had left … to the purposefulness of His public ministry. Jesus clearly knew who He was and what He was destined to accomplish. This was evident right up until the time He resolutely turned His face toward Jerusalem, fully knowing what was ahead. He didn’t have need for a unique ability coach to clarify God’s call on His life. From my perspective, purpose in life is really about who you are as opposed to what you do. In other words, who are you when no one is around? Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” After exiting my financial services firm in 2010, I found myself in a career transition. I was trying to decide what God wanted me to do in the next chapter of my life. I spent six months fasting, praying, and petitioning God. I desperately wanted to know His direction for my life and what He wanted me to do . When I finally heard His voice, it was short and sweet. He said, “Jeff, I don’t care what you do, I care what you become.” This profoundly impacted me. So, I set out to identify the kind of man I wanted to become in the next season of life. What characteristics did I want to expand? What habits did I want to leave behind? Zig Ziglar said, “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” God showed me that what I become is reflective of my purpose in life. It’s true for me and it is also true for you. A few years back, I met with a couple of young men. They are brothers and they live in the Pacific Northwest. They asked me questions about personal development, career decisions, and life in general. I really appreciated their interest in gaining wisdom and insight. The fact that they asked great questions was impressive to me. One of them asked, “what are the keys to being successful in the real estate business?” When the question was asked, I think they expected me to talk about it being financially lucrative, how you can utilize leverage, how it is tax efficient, etc. However, that is not the track I went down. I started with another quote from Zig Ziglar, “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” So many times, people focus on themselves. What’s in it for them? The most successful people in life are more focused on how they can help others. I know when I’m focused on how I can help others, I’m more likely to be in the right place and time. This is when God can fully use me and my unique abilities. Jesus was a master at this. The first step to accomplishing this is to shift your focus outward. When Dennis, Gabe, and I started acquiring real estate, we took time to speak with other landlords and real estate investors to see what we could learn from them. There was one person we met that said something we found quite offensive. He referred to his tenants as “his animals.” As we drove away from that meeting, we made a pact. If we ever started thinking that way, we agreed to sell everything and get out the business. We believe that every person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their economic position in life. Again, it comes back to the mindset of focusing on other people and helping them get what they want. It’s not a give-to-get thing. It’s your purpose, it’s who you are — as a human being, as a man, as a woman, as a God follower. It makes no difference whether you’re a real estate investor, business owner, employee, homemaker, or retired. Whatever you choose to do, do it through the grid of Loving God and Loving People. You can never go wrong with that mindset. When Jesus was asked in Matthew 22, “What it the greatest commandment?” He gave the following answer, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it. Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” My email tag line originates from these verses. It’s the mantra of my life… Love God, Love People, Do Cool Stuff! I’m not sure how it works, but I know that it does work. When I start with Loving God and add a healthy dose of Loving People … Cool Stuff seems to come my way! Jim Rohn said, “There are some things you don’t have to know how it works. The main thing is that it works. While some people are studying the roots, others are picking the fruit. It just depends on which end you want to get in on.” Pick the Fruit this Christmas season that comes from the tree of Loving God and Loving People. I guarantee you’ll love the gift it gives! Merry Christmas Brothers and Sisters! Jeff Huston and the 3D Money Team 320-905-3306
By Jeff Huston 09 Nov, 2023
As we approach Thanksgiving, I’d like to express my gratitude for the relationship we have with each of you. You help us to provide housing, jobs, and foods to our local communities. We are grateful for our partnership with you. I am also grateful for the pressing questions that are brought to us each week from our investors. Top of the list continues to be concern about the fragile state of the economy and how that could affect an investment in 3D Money . So, I thought I’d give you a peek behind the curtain in each area of our investment focuses-- Housing, Jobs, and Food. Housing Roger Stabauch said, “It takes a lot of unspectacular effort to experience spectacular results.” This statement is remarkably true in the work force housing marketplace. As background, we started buying housing in 2010. Our tagline was, “reasonably priced housing for modest income families.” We intentionally stayed out of the government subsidized markets because we prefer tenants who pay with their own money vs people who get a handout. This decision has proven to be rewarding. However, one of the biggest challenges in this market niche is collections. The reality is that most of our tenant’s live paycheck to paycheck. Very few have any cash reserves to weather a financial obstacle. Early on, our biggest operational challenges were in areas of reconditioning and refurbishing properties we acquired. Then, in 2020 when the Pandemic hit, our focus changed significantly due to the government’s nearly 2-year long eviction moratorium. When you tell someone who is living paycheck to paycheck that they can choose to either pay or not pay … it is a recipe for disaster. We fought hard during that time. Thankfully, the Supreme Court declared the Action unconstitutional. In the roughly one and a half years since the order was lifted, we have been cleaning up lagging messes. One of the best moves we made this year was to hire a COO. His name is Dean Zuleger and he has been a blessing to our organization. His primary role has been to focus on improving operational efficiencies in our housing portfolio, and he continues to do a stellar job. Many of our tenants are minorities and Dean loves Jesus. So, he always finds ways to love people and minister to them while still being mindful that he has a business to run. We pay Dean well and he continues to be worth every penny. Currently, we are not pursuing acquiring additional housing as the market is in a transitional period. With interest rates rising, the market value of properties for sale is decreasing. However, sellers have not adjusted their prices. So, we remain on the sidelines. We believe there will be buying opportunities on the horizon, but it will take a couple years for the timing to be right. In the meantime, we have three complexes that are still sitting in bridge financing. Since rates have risen, we intend to extend those loans. Our plan is to wait until rates stabilize or hopefully soften. Then, we will pursue a long-term securitized mortgage solution on those complexes. Fortunately, the long-term financing on all our other properties is in place at low rates. Jobs GVL Poly is the contract manufacturer we acquired last year. They are in the plastics and roto molding business. The business has been evenly divided between agricultural, industrial, and residential production. The agricultural business continues to be a steady performer for us. The industrial and residential lines have taken a reduction in revenue due to a slowdown in the economy because of rising interest rates. Existing management is doing a good job of pursuing new business opportunities to replace lost business. The new business is scheduled to come online in the first quarter of next year. To reduce expenses, we have not replaced natural staff attrition, but we will soon have to start hiring again for the new business opportunities in the pipeline. When we acquired the company, we had 48 employees. Employee count currently stands at 33. So, for the time being, we have yet to create the number of new jobs we had hoped to. However, we believe short term fiscal management trumps the long-term goal of job creation. On the current horizon, a significant opportunity has risen. GVL has acquired a small medical device company. We believe the growth potential in this market is exponential and should add further stability to the company’s business revenues in the coming years. Additionally, it will increase shareholder value. Food At the time we acquired GVL last year, it was our highest dollar purchase to date. It was a $13M transaction which took about $10M of investor capital. When the egg producing partnership opportunity with Forsman Farms presented itself, we knew it was a God-sized project. At a completed cost of $100M, it is nearly 10 times bigger than anything we’ve previously done. However, we truly believe God is opening this door for us. The 80-acre site in Renville County, Minnesota had been purchased, permitting is transferred to us, and the site is currently being scraped and prepped for construction. We’ve spent about $5,000,000.00 so far and still plan to construct a few of the smaller buildings yet this year. The large-scale construction will begin in the spring of 2024. By April, we will have invested approximately $11,000,000.00 of investor capital into this project. We have preliminary approval from a Senior Lender, and we are currently going through the underwriting process with them. Our capital need for this project is high. So, we continue to actively pursue investors looking for a place to invest money. As most of you know, we increased our interest rate to 7% and are pleased with how well that has been received. If you have CD’s maturing and are concerned about the ongoing instability in US banks or you are fed up with the roller coaster ride of the stock market, I’d encourage you to consider moving additional funds our way. We are a well-run company that has never missed an interest payment. Many of our investors love the monthly cash flow that our real estate backed, Secured Note offers. Finally, I am personally so thankful for each one of you. Thankful for the trust and confidence you continue to place in us by allowing us to be a part of your financial future. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Jeff Huston and the 3D Money Team 320-905-3306
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